GR Nutrition creates personalised plans that focus on sustainable diet, lifestyle and supplement recommendations in order to support an individual’s symptoms, conditions or goals over the long term.
Health is determined by the interconnectedness of mind, body, spirit, society and the environment. How these factors are balanced varies considerably from person to person. In a world where pressures and expectations are diverse and increasing, it is possible to see how an individual can become imbalanced leading to health concerns, symptoms and illness, both physical and mental.
Nutritional therapy focuses on getting to the root cause of problems by restoring the balance of internal and external factors in order to achieve an individual's optimum health.
Georgina has been hugely helpful and extremely professional at all times. I was very impressed by the thorough consultation at the start of my programme. It really has made a difference to my lifestyle and after only two months. Her knowledge is tremendous but she appreciates life’s pressures and has been very clever at crafting specific programmes to cater for a balanced lifestyle.
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