1) Increase Water
- 2-2.5 litres/day (can include herbal teas)
- Fresh lemon and 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar in hot water first thing
2) Cardio Exercise
- Cardio exercise helps to detox via the lungs and sweating detoxes via the skin
- Reduces Christmas bulge (being ideal weight is easier for efficient liver function)
3) Improve Sleep Quality & Relaxation
- No-Tech 90 mins before bed and do something relaxing
- Practice stillness for 5-10 mins each evening e.g. deep breathing, meditation, mindfulness
- Remove screens/phones from bedroom – use old alarm clock or put on aeroplane mode
- Steam rooms/ saunas are relaxing and help to sweat toxins out.
4) Boost Liver & Digestion Supporting Foods
- Fruit & veg - 10 portions/day, max 2 fruits, steam not boil, juicing
- Wholefoods e.g. wholemeal, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, chickpeas, quinoa, oats, brown rice
- Sulphur & Bitter veg - onions, leeks, garlic, artichoke, rocket, radish, chicory, asparagus, watercress, courgette, pumpkin, cucumbers, chard, leafy green veg
- All spices & herbs
- Chew each mouthful 20 times.
5) Decrease toxic load
- Processed/ refined foods (sugar, white bread, pasta, rice, biscuits, cakes, corn/rice cakes)
- Alcohol and caffeine
- Saturated fats with low nutrition (dairy, processed meat, deep fried/ fatty foods)
- Air pollution - take less polluted route walk to work, use mask if biking
- Water pollution - filtered or bottled water in glass, not from plastic
- Food pesticides - eat organic fruit and veg, meat, eggs.
- Household products - use organic/ natural cleaning products